Explore Mental Health Education, Gamification, and Connections

Created By a Therapist with PTSD
About, Foundation Joselyn Zambrana About, Foundation Joselyn Zambrana

Created By a Therapist with PTSD

Hi, I’m Joselyn, a trauma-specialized therapist with a story rooted in resilience. Growing up in Loíza, Puerto Rico, my life was anything but quiet—it was chaotic, loud, and shaped by challenges that demanded independence far too soon. From a tumultuous childhood to navigating military life and surviving abuse, my journey has been one of facing hard truths and finding healing.

Therapy changed my life, but it shouldn’t take years or cost thousands of dollars to start healing. That’s why I created accessible tools—workshops, games, books, and a community—to make wellness affordable for all. Healing is hard work, but it’s worth it—for yourself, your loved ones, and breaking cycles of trauma.

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The Zaiyari Wellness Podcast
Joselyn Zambrana Joselyn Zambrana

The Zaiyari Wellness Podcast

The Zaiyari Wellness Podcast is where we uncover the shared humanity in our struggles. No matter your race, age, gender, or religion, life’s ups and downs connect us all. Through raw, honest conversations, we explore culture, trauma, family dynamics, stigma, and mental health—providing a space to hear real stories and gain insights into healing and resilience. Tune in on your favorite streaming platforms.

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