Discover Your Stress Response – How Life Experiences Shape Your Reactions

Understanding & learning how to manage stress responses is the key to learning how to live a life worth living. The reason people act different with family, friends, relationships, and other environments: Stress Responses - and we all deal with stress!

Take the Stress Response Quiz to learn how family drama, toxic relationships, abuse, or neglect, over-worked your defense systems. Discover how these experiences changed everything about the way you think, handle conflict, manage emotions, and experience intimacy. Trust when I changes everything about you.


We believe that nurturing your mind, body, soul, and spirit is essential for overall well-being: and stress impacts all of them


The way you think & view yourself, others, and the world


How your body reacts to stress & how you manage conflict


Your emotions, personality and all the things that make you unique


How you connect with yourself, your environment, & those around you

Meet Fight: The Protector

This is our body's primal reaction to threat, where we gear up for confrontation. It involves a surge of energy, heightened alertness, and a readiness to face the challenge head-on. While essential for survival, frequent activation of this response can lead to defensiveness, increased conflict, and strained relationships.

Meet Flight: The Navigator

This is our instinct is to escape stressful situations. When activated, it gives a rush of adrenaline that prepares us to flee, helping us avoid confrontations or dangerous scenarios. It's essential for survival but can lead to avoidance, and over-analyzing situations that increase anxiety-driven behaviors if overactivated.

Meet Freeze: The Stabilizer

When faced with overwhelming stress or danger, our body goes into a 'freeze' state. This is a protective mechanism, akin to playing dead, and involves a sense of immobility and numbness. While it can be protective, staying in this response can lead to feelings of being disconnected and stuck - causing isolation.

Meet Fawn: The Harmonizer

This response involves attempting to appease or please others to avoid conflict or harm. It's a survival mechanism that can sometimes lead to neglecting one's own needs or boundaries in favor of keeping the peace. Getting stuck in this response leaves individuals emotionally drained & leads to loss of identity.

Explore More in The App

Did you know Stress Responses change depending on the category? Begin your journey to learn how to work with different stress responses & how they impact the following categories:

  Boundaries - How well do you protect your peace - or respect others?

  Handling Loss & Grief - How do you manage life transitions and loss?

Attachment & Connection - Who in your life brings out healthy attachments out of you, and who creates chaos?

  Communication & Conflict - Can you tell people what you need in a way that is healthy...or are there a lot of misunderstandings?