Explore Mental Health Education, Gamification, and Connections

The Game of Your Life
Joselyn Zambrana Joselyn Zambrana

The Game of Your Life

What if healing wasn’t just about therapy? The Game of Your Life turns healing into an interactive journey where you can explore your story, reflect, and reconnect with yourself and others. Transform your healing journey with The Game of Your Life, an interactive app designed to help you explore how trauma, anxiety, and depression shape your relationships, decisions, and emotions. Start with the BETA app to access The Zaiyari Experience, practical tools for managing stress, building meaningful connections, and creating positive changes. With features like interactive journals, emotional regulation games, and relationship-focused exercises in development, this is your first step toward a healthier, more connected life.

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The Zaiyari Wellness Podcast
Joselyn Zambrana Joselyn Zambrana

The Zaiyari Wellness Podcast

The Zaiyari Wellness Podcast is where we uncover the shared humanity in our struggles. No matter your race, age, gender, or religion, life’s ups and downs connect us all. Through raw, honest conversations, we explore culture, trauma, family dynamics, stigma, and mental health—providing a space to hear real stories and gain insights into healing and resilience. Tune in on your favorite streaming platforms.

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